BOmapgen - V1.07 - 23-Mar-2022 - script by Parms: URLPath='/BOmaps/' for map gen Parms: using cache directory of 'cache/' Parms: maxFilesize='200 MB' for cache/strikes.txt Parms: ourTZ='America/Los_Angeles' Running on 8.1.29 BO MOTD: ' message: Network for Lightning and Thunderstorms in Real Time - Real time lightning map' BO MOTD: omitted about Forum message. BO MOTD written to cache/BOmotd.txt with 0 bytes. Parms: using 10-minute JSON files for strikes. start processing for region 3 data Sat, 27 Jul 2024 01:53:17 current cache/strikes.txt strikes file size is 186.38 KB cache/strikes.txt filtered for old data First data: Fri, 26 Jul 2024 23:53:17 PDT Last data : Sat, 27 Jul 2024 01:47:45 PDT data freshen starting from Sat, 27 Jul 2024 01:47:45 PDT fetching new strikes file at timed calls took 0.017 for 400 executions in 3.079 seconds. 400 lines read. 98 lines written to cache/strikes.txt. fetching new strikes file at timed calls took 0.006 for 139 executions in 2.087 seconds. 139 lines read. 139 lines written to cache/strikes.txt. after refresh, cache/strikes.txt strikes file size is 184.41 KB fetching new stations file at Wrote 224 lines to cache/stations.txt. Stations file fetch took 1.016 seconds for 224 records. Station list JSON decode return - No errors StationsJSON lists 2563 entries. Added 4 city overlay specs. Generating image from USA.png w=623 h=429. Generating thumbnail w=120 h=83. Drawing strikes for BOUSA.png. 5121 strike lines processed. 4304 drawn on map using 0.006 secs. 2563 stations in Blitzortung region 3. Drew 360 stations within our map area. Legend drawn for 5 types of station status. Image saved to cache/BOUSA.png. Image -sm saved to cache/BOUSA-sm.png. HTML map area written to cache/BOUSA-map.html. Completed BOUSA.png generation in 0 seconds. Starting animated GIF on cache/BOUSA-ani.gif height=429 width=623 rename cache/BOUSA_11.png to cache/BOUSA_12.png rename cache/BOUSA_10.png to cache/BOUSA_11.png rename cache/BOUSA_9.png to cache/BOUSA_10.png rename cache/BOUSA_8.png to cache/BOUSA_9.png rename cache/BOUSA_7.png to cache/BOUSA_8.png rename cache/BOUSA_6.png to cache/BOUSA_7.png rename cache/BOUSA_5.png to cache/BOUSA_6.png rename cache/BOUSA_4.png to cache/BOUSA_5.png rename cache/BOUSA_3.png to cache/BOUSA_4.png rename cache/BOUSA_2.png to cache/BOUSA_3.png rename cache/BOUSA_1.png to cache/BOUSA_2.png Animated GIF saved to cache/BOUSA-ani.gif. Animated GIF processing completed for cache/BOUSA-ani.gif in 0 seconds. Starting animated GIF on cache/BOUSA-sm-ani.gif height=83 width=120 rename cache/BOUSA-sm_11.png to cache/BOUSA-sm_12.png rename cache/BOUSA-sm_10.png to cache/BOUSA-sm_11.png rename cache/BOUSA-sm_9.png to cache/BOUSA-sm_10.png rename cache/BOUSA-sm_8.png to cache/BOUSA-sm_9.png rename cache/BOUSA-sm_7.png to cache/BOUSA-sm_8.png rename cache/BOUSA-sm_6.png to cache/BOUSA-sm_7.png rename cache/BOUSA-sm_5.png to cache/BOUSA-sm_6.png rename cache/BOUSA-sm_4.png to cache/BOUSA-sm_5.png rename cache/BOUSA-sm_3.png to cache/BOUSA-sm_4.png rename cache/BOUSA-sm_2.png to cache/BOUSA-sm_3.png rename cache/BOUSA-sm_1.png to cache/BOUSA-sm_2.png Animated GIF saved to cache/BOUSA-sm-ani.gif. Animated GIF processing completed for cache/BOUSA-sm-ani.gif in 0 seconds. Generating image from SWN.png w=616 h=587. Generating thumbnail w=120 h=114. Drawing 4 cities on BOSWN.png. Drew 'Sacramento' on BOSWN.png at 38.555556,-121.468889 with legend offset 5,3. Drew 'Carson City' on BOSWN.png at 39.160833,-119.753889 with legend offset 7,-5. Drew 'Phoenix' on BOSWN.png at 33.45,-112.066667 with legend offset 5,-10. Drew 'Salt Lake City' on BOSWN.png at 40.75,-111.883333 with legend offset 5,-10. Drawing strikes for BOSWN.png. 5121 strike lines processed. 739 drawn on map using 0.000 secs. 2563 stations in Blitzortung region 3. Drew 47 stations within our map area. Legend drawn for 5 types of station status. Image saved to cache/BOSWN.png. Image -sm saved to cache/BOSWN-sm.png. HTML map area written to cache/BOSWN-map.html. Completed BOSWN.png generation in 0 seconds. Starting animated GIF on cache/BOSWN-ani.gif height=587 width=616 rename cache/BOSWN_11.png to cache/BOSWN_12.png rename cache/BOSWN_10.png to cache/BOSWN_11.png rename cache/BOSWN_9.png to cache/BOSWN_10.png rename cache/BOSWN_8.png to cache/BOSWN_9.png rename cache/BOSWN_7.png to cache/BOSWN_8.png rename cache/BOSWN_6.png to cache/BOSWN_7.png rename cache/BOSWN_5.png to cache/BOSWN_6.png rename cache/BOSWN_4.png to cache/BOSWN_5.png rename cache/BOSWN_3.png to cache/BOSWN_4.png rename cache/BOSWN_2.png to cache/BOSWN_3.png rename cache/BOSWN_1.png to cache/BOSWN_2.png Animated GIF saved to cache/BOSWN-ani.gif. Animated GIF processing completed for cache/BOSWN-ani.gif in 0 seconds. Starting animated GIF on cache/BOSWN-sm-ani.gif height=114 width=120 rename cache/BOSWN-sm_11.png to cache/BOSWN-sm_12.png rename cache/BOSWN-sm_10.png to cache/BOSWN-sm_11.png rename cache/BOSWN-sm_9.png to cache/BOSWN-sm_10.png rename cache/BOSWN-sm_8.png to cache/BOSWN-sm_9.png rename cache/BOSWN-sm_7.png to cache/BOSWN-sm_8.png rename cache/BOSWN-sm_6.png to cache/BOSWN-sm_7.png rename cache/BOSWN-sm_5.png to cache/BOSWN-sm_6.png rename cache/BOSWN-sm_4.png to cache/BOSWN-sm_5.png rename cache/BOSWN-sm_3.png to cache/BOSWN-sm_4.png rename cache/BOSWN-sm_2.png to cache/BOSWN-sm_3.png rename cache/BOSWN-sm_1.png to cache/BOSWN-sm_2.png Animated GIF saved to cache/BOSWN-sm-ani.gif. Animated GIF processing completed for cache/BOSWN-sm-ani.gif in 0 seconds. Rotating stations file(s) rename cache/stations_11.txt to cache/stations_12.txt rename cache/stations_10.txt to cache/stations_11.txt rename cache/stations_9.txt to cache/stations_10.txt rename cache/stations_8.txt to cache/stations_9.txt rename cache/stations_7.txt to cache/stations_8.txt rename cache/stations_6.txt to cache/stations_7.txt rename cache/stations_5.txt to cache/stations_6.txt rename cache/stations_4.txt to cache/stations_5.txt rename cache/stations_3.txt to cache/stations_4.txt rename cache/stations_2.txt to cache/stations_3.txt rename cache/stations_1.txt to cache/stations_2.txt saved new cache/stations_1.txt Rotation complete for stations file(s). Elapsed time 9 seconds. Log written to cache/gen-BO-maps-log.txt.